We Speak Juror


We are litigation strategists with a demonstrated record of finding the hidden paths to persuasion and resolution.


We are social scientists who apply psychological principles in innovative ways to address unique litigation challenges.


We have worked over a thousand cases, tailoring our services to each client to ensure we deliver expert advice that works.

Juries have changed, and nuclear verdicts are on the rise.

We are litigation strategists.

We are more than jury consultants. More than trial consultants and witness coaches. More than mock trial and focus group researchers. We are strategists who bring the juror perspective to the entire litigation cycle, resulting in better decisions and more favorable outcomes.

We meet the Jury where they are.

Why is it that catastrophic and unforeseen verdicts often seem obvious in hindsight? It’s because the trial team is only then seeing through the eyes of the jury. Avoiding nuclear verdicts requires preparing to meet the jury where they are.

We don’t get hired on easy layups.

Taking a strong position in emotionally charged matters is risky. Making complex litigation accessible requires that an art be brought to the science. We partner with claims professionals, trial counsel, in-house counsel, and litigation risk managers to help them assess, manage, and prevail in high stakes litigation no matter how complex or how emotional.


Case Strategy

We do more than mock trials. Many of the cases we partner on involve purely strategic case consultations regarding early case assessment, theme development, and targeted messaging.

Witness Preparedness

Our unique protocol actively involves counsel in a process that provides witnesses with the tools they need to stay calm and deliver accurate, truthful testimony.

Jury Research

We are social scientists with the depth of trial experience necessary to transform mock juror feedback into recommendations that work.

Jury Selection

One juror can forestall a fair and just verdict. We have done the research and have the trial experience necessary to spot the influencers.

Trial Partners

In the heat of trial, passionate advocacy can compete with the objectivity necessary to see what the jury sees. Our role is to help the trial team see the trial unfold through the jury’s eyes and make any necessary adjustments. 

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