Meet the Partners

We believe in and love the field of jury psychology. We have dedicated our careers to making what this field promises a reality for each and every one of our clients.

Adam Boesen

M.A. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology, University of Tulsa
B.A. in Psychology, University of Northern Iowa
(m) 214.205.5539

Adam Boesen

M.A. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology, University of Tulsa
B.A. in Psychology, University of Northern Iowa
(m) 214.205.5539

Dr. Julie Boesen

Ph.D. in Clinical Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine, University of North Texas
M.S. in Psychology, University of North Texas
B.A. in Psychology, University of North Texas
B.A. in History, Purdue University
(m) 512.903.1319

Meet the Partners

We believe in and love the field of jury psychology. We have dedicated our careers to making what this field promises a reality for each and every one of our clients.

Adam Boesen

M.A. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology, University of Tulsa
B.A. in Psychology, University of Northern Iowa
(m) 214.205.5539

Adam Boesen

M.A. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology, University of Tulsa
B.A. in Psychology, University of Northern Iowa
(m) 214.205.5539

Dr. Julie Boesen

Ph.D. in Clinical Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine, University of North Texas
M.S. in Psychology, University of North Texas
B.A. in Psychology, University of North Texas
B.A. in History, Purdue University
(m) 512.903.1319

Adam Boesen

I came to jury consulting by happy accident. In graduate school I studied organizational psychology, and by the late nineties I was working as a management consultant. The husband of a client of mine was a trial attorney, and one day he asked me for some help on a case. I still laugh today, because at the time I had no idea the field of jury psychology even existed. Nonetheless, I accepted the challenge and assisted with witnesses, facilitated a focus group, provided notes on his opening statement, helped craft voir dire questions, gave input on juror strikes, and provided daily feedback based on my trial observations. I had the chance to work on the whole service line right out of the gate! He won that case and I was hooked. I set out to learn all I could about trial consulting and continue on that mission today.

It’s been a remarkable journey since then. Over the last twenty years I have advised on over 900 matters and worked in 48 of the 50 states. I’ve been retained on just about every case type, from bet-the-company complex commercial litigation to single-plaintiff personal injury cases, to professional liability claims of all varieties. You name it I’ve been fortunate enough to have worked it. Over the years I have specialized in strategy consultation, theme development, targeted messaging, and preparing witnesses for testimony. We’ve learned that these services have greater impact the earlier they occur in the litigation process. Julie and I have seen numerous at-risk matters settled quickly and reasonably after the witnesses we have worked with are deposed. Cases simply look less appealing to opposing counsel when they see strong witnesses delivering simple truths that support compelling themes.

To close, I’d like to say a few words about my partner, Julie. Seeing her at work and what she brings to the table has expanded my vision of what this field can and should be – disciplined, scientific, and exceptionally trained. She is not afraid to speak the hard truths and can do so without ego or offense. Her dedication to quality and tireless preparation inspires me every day. Every case is better for having her working on it.


Adam Boesen

M.A. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology, University of Tulsa
B.A. in Psychology, University of Northern Iowa

(m) 214.205.5539

Adam Boesen

M.A. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology, University of Tulsa
B.A. in Psychology, University of Northern Iowa

(m) 214.205.5539

Adam Boesen

I came to jury consulting by happy accident. In graduate school I studied organizational psychology, and by the late nineties I was working as a management consultant. The husband of a client of mine was a trial attorney, and one day he asked me for some help on a case. I still laugh today, because at the time I had no idea the field of jury psychology even existed. Nonetheless, I accepted the challenge and assisted with witnesses, facilitated a focus group, provided notes on his opening statement, helped craft voir dire questions, gave input on juror strikes, and provided daily feedback based on my trial observations. I had the chance to work on the whole service line right out of the gate! He won that case and I was hooked. I set out to learn all I could about trial consulting and continue on that mission today.

It’s been a remarkable journey since then. Over the last twenty years I have advised on over 900 matters and worked in 48 of the 50 states. I’ve been retained on just about every case type, from bet-the-company complex commercial litigation to single-plaintiff personal injury cases, to professional liability claims of all varieties. You name it I’ve been fortunate enough to have worked it. Over the years I have specialized in strategy consultation, theme development, targeted messaging, and preparing witnesses for testimony. We’ve learned that these services have greater impact the earlier they occur in the litigation process. Julie and I have seen numerous at-risk matters settled quickly and reasonably after the witnesses we have worked with are deposed. Cases simply look less appealing to opposing counsel when they see strong witnesses delivering simple truths that support compelling themes.

To close, I’d like to say a few words about my partner, Julie. Seeing her at work and what she brings to the table has expanded my vision of what this field can and should be – disciplined, scientific, and exceptionally trained. She is not afraid to speak the hard truths and can do so without ego or offense. Her dedication to quality and tireless preparation inspires me every day. Every case is better for having her working on it.


Dr. Julie Boesen

Ph.D. in Clinical Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine, University of North Texas
M.S. in Psychology, University of North Texas
B.A. in Psychology, University of North Texas
B.A. in History, Purdue University

(m) 512.903.1319

Dr. Julie Boesen

I first heard of jury consulting early in my doctoral training and was intrigued. I considered transferring from clinical psychology to a specialized program in jury psychology, but none existed. Some time after I finished my studies, I was fortunate to be hired by a national trial consulting firm. Given the intricacies of the field, my early years on the job were overwhelming. After some time, I got a feel for where my skills fit and started to really enjoy my work. The point where I began to fall in love though was years later, when I was selected to serve on a jury. Given my history as a licensed psychologist and legal consultant, I believed my chances of being struck were high. But the next thing I knew, I was being sworn in on a difficult case. In that moment, my knowledge gave way to what I now believe every juror feels at some point – fear and uncertainty. Foremost in our minds was the fear of making the wrong decision and causing an injustice. We also all felt uncertainty about our roles, the process, who was credible, and whether we were being presented with all the evidence we needed to do our job. In the end, we did our best to honor our oath and rendered a unanimous verdict. The process was both inspiring and disheartening, and the experience further deepened my respect for jurors and made me a better consultant.

Today, I identify as a litigation psychologist with real-life juror experience, who also brings to the table a 10+ year history of applied clinical practice. I’ve seen thousands of patients, as well as consulted on hundreds of trial matters. What I appreciate most about my path is how my experiences from the clinical and the consultative have converged. My clinical skills make me uniquely capable to assess how any given individual might respond to our message, witnesses, and the trial team. What I love best about my job though, are the people Adam and I have been fortunate to work with. We have traveled all over the U.S. and met people of all varieties. We believe our true inspiration and teachers are the jurors – real and research based. Spending time in their communities is the grounding in which much of our philosophy and practice is centered. We are also continuously inspired by the highly dedicated professionals with whom we work, including counsel, claims professionals, and support staff.

Finally, I’d like to say a few words about my partner, Adam. He takes great pride in his work and his role as partner to our clients. His ability to effect change and connect with jurors, witnesses, and the trial team is extraordinary. He is expert in crafting the story that will resonate with jurors. He understands the politics and knows the corporate landscape of complex litigation and expertly helps our clients navigate those waters. I continue to be inspired by and consider it a privilege to work with him.


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